
Showing posts from March, 2017

Chapter Fourteen; Forever Hopeful

Dear Reader, Trying to get a job sucks. It really does. I've always known it but I've never had a chance to put it into practice...until now. Until I had to find one myself, with no one to do it for me, no one to hand it to me. It's hard, I believe we're allowed to say that. We're not moaning or whining or whinging. It's buggeringly get noticed in this sea of people applying for the same job, to know what to wear if you even make it to the interview, to know what to say to get them to employ you or when to even begin to have the slightest positive thought about possibly, maybe getting the job. The overwhelming sense of failure when you don't manage to get a job you actually thought you might be in with a chance of getting is the hardest thing to move on from. Why will no one ever give you a break? Why will no one ever give you a chance? You know you could do it if they just gave you the mother flipping job so why is no one employing you?

Chapter Thirteen; Bless You

Dear Reader, I have been writing short stories for a few years now, I'll be honest, I have no idea where they're going or why I bother but I've always enjoyed it and when it comes down to it, do we really need a reason? I wouldn't dare say out loud that they're worth publishing, but those of you who write will know that we dream in that silver lined cloud where someone finds our work and just has to make it into a book. How bloody terrific would that be?!  Anywho, I love writing and I wrote a particularly short short-story (I wear short shorts), the other day after remembering a comment I had seen on a post that said "Write a horror story in less than 10 words" or something of that ilk, so I took the one I liked and expanded on it a little...and it became this... Bless You  by  Suzie Peckham Steve was working late again. He could almost put money on it. Once, sometimes twice (those weeks were the worst), someone would be wheeled in at 5.5