
Showing posts from April, 2017

Chapter Fifteen; Sisters In Arms

Dear Reader, Today I saw one of my closest friends, I call her my sister because except for the whole, different parents, no blood relation thing, we're sisters. We grew up together, we wore matching outfits, we went on holidays together and we definitely fought like sisters. So here we are 20 something years later, sisters. We've got to that stage that I feel most sisters reach eventually where you stop arguing so much. I don't know when it happened or how it happened but we just stopped. We stopped annoying one another quite as much and embraced each others faults a little more. It's nice, you know, you suddenly become even closer than you were before. So one of my favourite things about my sister is her ability to forget things, it's fantastic and it makes me laugh so hard I cry sometimes. It's silly things like forgetting the names of objects or people and it makes her who she is, it's ruddy wonderful. I might love it a little more because I always