Chapter Eighteen: The Battle For The 17:30

The Battle For The 17.30 

In other words, not leaving enough time and thus power walking (badly) through London whilst trying not to scream "I HAVE A DEAD GRANDMOTHER THAT MOVES FASTER THAN YOU" at every human being that decides to walk in front of me. 
I don't scream that because I am a short girl who's internal monologue is far more ballsy than she is. 
One might say 'well if you left the office on time then you wouldn't have a problem making your train home' and one would be correct HOW-FUCKING-EVER as any human that has ever worked in a sodding office will know...easier bloody said than done! 
So we've left the office, 10 minutes late, 'What's the big deal?' I hear you cry! The big deal is that I have 20minutes to do a 20minute journey...hang the fuck on...however you have the get to the buggering train with enough time to walk far enough up it to get on a carriage with a sodding seat left! Which by this point is the first carriage which is give or take about eleventy billion miles away! 
So I reach said first carriage, lungs vaguely intact and find a seat, hurrah! Less hurrah is the fact that I'm sweating like the devil in Sunday Mass and I have to do all I can not to collapse in a heap on the remaining chairs and demand someone open a mother flipping window! 

When did trains stop having windows?! I missed that ruddy memo. 

Good grief is hot in here, I'm at the point when I internally apologise to the train company for repeatedly tweeting them and demanding they put the heating on because I had three layers on and still seemed to be acquiring frostbite. I know want to tweet them to let them know that if they don't crank up that Air Con I'm going to take my heels off and create a window of my own. And good day to you sir. 
But of course I don't because as afore mentioned, I am small and I'm not sure that is a revolution I could truly commit to...nor the damages I could afford to pay. 
So thus I am sat on a train; sweaty, uncomfortable and tired but none the less on my way home. So the bastarding battle for the 17.30 has been won, until tomorrow when the whole fucking debacle starts again. 



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