Chapter Twenty Two - Quater Life Crisis

Dear Reader,

I'm having what my age group have deemed a 'quarter life crisis', at the ripe ol' age of 25 I have started to panic, I don't think I panicked at 24 and I definitely don't think I was panicking at 23 but at 25, it's panicking time. Here comes the anxiety fuelled panic in 3...2...1...
- I'm panicking that I'm not where I should be in life
- I'm panicking that I am nowhere near as successful as neither my boyfriend nor my father (at my age)
- That I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life
- That I'm just going to float around between jobs that I don't truly enjoy for the rest of my life
- That I'll never figure out a job that I actually love
- That I will never be truly at peace with my body shape/the way I look
- That I will never be as successful as my boyfriend and my father
- That I will never earn enough money to be able to live comfortably

and much more...
I'm feeling brave today Dear Reader, hence why I decided to put this out there, because I believe that there are an awful lot of people out there that feel the exact same way as me. People who have a constant pit of fear in their stomachs that they're not doing well enough in life.

It's a difficult thing to deal with and it feeds off the doubts you have about yourself, that you're not good enough essentially, and it takes a lot to silence that beast.
I have spoken about this with my boyfriend and friends and they are so wonderful at setting me straight and building my confidence, I'm so lucky to have people to talk to.

But not everyone has someone to speak to, so if you see anyone struggling, just a simple 'are you okay?' means the world to people, just the thought that you cared enough to ask is uplifting.

And if anyone reading this doesn't have anyone to speak to, you can always talk to me Dear Reader.

Be it quarter, mid or three quarter life crisis none of us are getting out of this thing alive so we might as well help each other as much as we can along the way.



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